Products and services for companies

Mortgage Loan

The purpose of this credit facility is to finance a movable or a real estate property for both Natural Persons and Legal Entities.

The credit must be repaid through a Payment Plan which is formulated according to the particularity of each client and according to the asset that is being financed. The maximum term is fifteen(15) years.

Find out all the rates related to this product by clicking on «Rates, Terms and Conditions».

  1. A legible and valid copy of the personal identity card or passport of the Chairman of the Board, Legal Representative, Secretary of the Board, persons designated as signatories, Attorneys-in-Fact (if applicable). In the case of Foreign Corporations, the requirements will be met as applicable.
    A legible copy of the personal identity card or passport shall be obtained for the Shareholders (Beneficial Owners) that have a participation of 10% or more. In the case that any shareholder with 10% or more of shareholdings has US citizenship or residence, a copy of the US passport and signature of W9 Form will be required.
  2. Current and legible copy of the Bylaws or Articles of Incorporation and their amendments, the Minutes of the Resolution designating the Board of Directors.
    For enterprises that are not incorporated under the laws of the Republic of Panama or Dominican Republic, copies of the documents of incorporations must be duly apostilled or consularized.
  3. A Certificate of Incorporation or Certificate of Good Standing not older than three months.
  4. Copy of the current Commercial Registry for companies operating in the Dominican Republic.
  5. Copy of the Financial Statements duly signed by the person responsible of the accounting or Tax Return.
  6. Copy of the Minutes of the Resolution authorizing the opening of the account, the persons who can commit the company and designating signatories.
  7. Valid and legible copy of the Power of Attorney (in case it applies).
  8. Copy of the current List of Shareholders.
    • Identification of the Ultimate Beneficiary: shareholders having a percentage equal to or greater than 10% of the shares issued by the corporation shall be identified. Exception to the identification of the ultimate beneficiary are the shares of companies listed in a stock exchange, public enterprises and Banks.
    • In the case of private foundations, nonprofit organizations or other, whose beneficial owners cannot be identified through their shareholdings, the bank shall ensure to obtain a minute or affidavit duly signed by the representatives or authorized persons, whereby it lists the beneficial owners with a percentage equal to or greater than 10%.
    • Enterprises with shareholders that are Corporations with shareholding of 10% or more of the shares of the enterprise.
      • List of shareholders that extends to the ultimate beneficiary (natural person).
      • Copy of the Commercial Registry for Dominican enterprises identified with a shareholding of 10% or more.
      • Copy of the Bylaws or Articles of Incorporation and their amendments.
    • NGO or non-profit enterprisesAll the previous documents indicated are required and in addition:
      • A list of the donors or contributors.
    • FoundationsAll the previous documents indicated are required and in addition:
      • Copy of the Founding Charter.
      • Internal Regulations of the Foundation.
  9. Complete and sign the form Self Certification of Fiscal Residence.
  10. Complete and sign the forms of the Bank.

Click here to request more information by e-mail.