Products and services for companies
International Money Transfers
Payment method used by clients to honor their obligations. Transfers can be settled in the currency required by the client according to its needs.
International Transfer: is that transaction in which the Bank makes a transfer of funds to another entity through a correspondent bank.
Internal Transfer: is that transaction in which a transfer of funds is made in the Bank itself from one account to another, being it a Natural or a Legal Person.
• Ordering Party: is the account holder, a Natural or a Legal Person, who issues the order or instruction to the Bank (Ordering Bank) to make a transfer of funds.
• Beneficiary: is the account holder, Natural or Legal Person, to which the Ordering Party´s funds are transferred.
• Beneficiary Bank: is the bank entity that receives the transfer from the Ordering Bank, directly or through an intermediary bank, and supplies the funds to the beneficiary.
• Intermediary Bank or Correspondent Bank: is the bank entity that receives the funds from the Ordering Bank and transmits it to the Beneficiary Bank for further payment to the Beneficiary.
In international transfers, the intermediary bank and / or the beneficiary bank can make deductions from the original amount of the transaction, for the collection of service commissions and expenses.
This service is offered only to clients who maintain a checking or savings account with the Bank.
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About us
Swift code: BPDOPAPA
Physical Address:
Aquilino de la Guardia Ave. 47E St.
Banco General Tower Floor # 20
P.O. Box 0816-00265
Panamá, Rep. of Panamá
Telephone System: (507)297-4100
Republic of Panamá
Popular Bank
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