Members of the Board

The Board of Director is the highest hierarchy administrative authority within Popular Bank, Ltd. Inc. and comprised of top level professionals who have extensive experience, track record and broad knowledge.

The Board of Directors of Popular Bank is integrated by the following Directors: 

Business Administration - Universidad de Accion Pro Educacion y Cultura –UNAPEC (Pro Education Action and Culture University).

President of Popular Bank, Ltd. Inc.

President of the Credit Committee of Popular Bank, Ltd. Inc.

Member of Prevention of Money Laundering Committee of Popular Bank, Ltd. Inc.

Activities in another company or institution:

Member of FELABAN.


Since 1985, has worked in Banco Popular Dominicano, where he has held on various areas as International Business,
Human Resources, Corporate Business, Personal Business and International Affiliates. During six years performed as
Executive Vice President and President of BPD Bank, subsidiary of Grupo Popular placed on New York, E.E.U.U.

Degree in Economy- Universidad Autónoma de Santo Domingo –UASD (Autonomous University of Santo Domingo- UASD), Santo Domingo, D.R.

Post graduate degree in Business Administration – Instituto Tecnologico de Santo Domingo (Technological Institute of Santo Domingo), D.R.

Member of Board of Directors of Grupo Popular, S. A. and Banco Popular Dominicano, S.A. - Banco Múltiple

Member of Audit Committee of Grupo Popular, S. A. and Banco Popular Dominicano, S.A. – Banco Múltiple

Member of Compensation and Nominations Committee of Banco Popular Dominicano, S.A.- Banco Múltiple

Member of Risk Management Committee of the Board of Directors of Grupo Popular, S. A. and Banco Popular Dominicano, S.A.- Banco Múltiple

Member of Credit Committee of the Board of Directors of Banco Popular Dominicano, S.A.-Banco Múltiple

Member of Board of Directors of Administradora de Fondos de Pensiones Popular, .S.A.

Vice President of the Audit and Internal Control Committee of the Board of Directors of Administradora de Fondos de Pensiones Popular, S.A.

Vice president of Audit Committee of Popular Bank, Ltd. Inc.

Member of Risk Committee of Popular Bank, Ltd. Inc.

Member of Prevention of Money Laundering Committee of Popular Bank, Ltd. Inc.

Activities in another company or institution:

Director of Soluciones y Desarrollo Andalucía, S.A.


An Economist by profession began his career in banking business since 1976. He has held in various areas within Grupo Popular such as Audit, Risk, Security, Business and Human Resources, where he performed as Vice President.

Degree in Law (Cum Laude)- Universidad Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña -UNPHU (National University Pedro Henriquez Ureña).

Master Degree in Commercial Law – La Soborna University, Recinto Pantheon-Asas, Paris France

Secretary of the Board of Directors of Qik Banco Digital Dominicano, S.A.-Banco Múltiple

Vice President of the Audit Committee of the Board of Directors of Qik Banco Digital Dominicano, S.A.-Banco Múltiple

Activities in another company or institution

Member of the Board of Directors of Fundacion Ademi

Member of Board of Directors of Fundación Institucionalidad y Justicia (FINJUS)

Member of the Board of Directors of Seguros Ademi, S.A.

Member of the Board of Directors of Centro Regional de Estrategias Sostenibles (CREES)

Member of the Board of Directors of Banco Múltiple Ademi, S.A.

President of Juristas, S.A.S., law firm Castillo & Castillo

President of Juristas del Norte, S.A.S.

Member of the Board of Gerentes de Profesionales, SRL

Member of the Board of Directors of Grupo Eolico Dominicano, S.A. (GEDOM)


Partner- President of the law firm Castillo & Castillo, founded in the year 1937, one of the major law firms of Dominican Republic.

Specialist in Commercial and Corporate Law, Banking Law, Money Market, Complex Financing Operations, Financing of Projects, Mergers and Acquisitions, Foreign Investment, Contracts, as well as Civil and Commercial Litigations.

Distinguished as leader in his profession in the prestigious specialized publications “Chambers”, “IFLR 1000”, for his “Deep experience” and he is qualified as “a bastion of juridical advice in the banking sector”.

Master in Business Administration – Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (Technological Institute of Santo Domingo), D.R.

Member of Audit Committee of Popular Bank, Ltd. Inc.

Vice President of Prevention of Money Laundering Committee of Popular Bank, Ltd. Inc.

Member of the Board of Directors of Grupo Popular, S.A.

Member of the Audit Committee of the Board of Grupo Popular, S.A.

Member of the Corporate Governance Committee of the Board of Directors of Grupo Popular, S.A.

Member of the Committee of Technology of Innovation of the Board of the Directors of Grupo Popular, S.A.

Member of the Audit Committee and Internal Control Processes of the Board of Directors of Administradora de Fondos de Pensiones Popular, S.A.

Vicepresident of the Risk Committee of the Board of Administradora de Fondos Popular, S.A.

Member of the Board of Directors of Servicios Digitales Popular, S.A.

Member of the Board of Directors of Avance Capital Dominicana, Ltd.

President of the Board of Directors of Qik Banco Digital Dominicano, S.A.- Banco Múltiple

Vicepresident of Compensation and Nominations Committee of the Board of Directors of Qik Banco Digital Dominicano, S.A.-Banco Múltiple

Member of the Audit Committee of the Board of Directors of Qik Banco Digital Dominicano, S.A.-Banco Múltiple

Member of the Risk Committee of the Board of Directors of Qik Banco Digital Dominicano, S.A. – Banco Múltiple

Activities in other Institutions

Vice Presidente of Marmotech, S.A.

Vice Presidente of Viajes Alkasa, S.R.L.

President of Fundacion Juntos por una Misma Causa (Together for the Same Cause Foundation).

Member of the Permanent Board of the Santo Domingo Country Club


Engineer by profession. Began his banking career in 1984 as Executive Vice President in Banco Hiptecario Popular (Popular Mortgage Bank). Continued holding important positions in other institutions of the Popular Group, such as Banco Popular Dominicano, S.A.- Banco Múltiple, Credomatic Popular,S.A., Credomatic del Caribe, S. A., Credit Card Financing Corporation, Santo Domingo, D. R., Grupo Popular, S. A.
and most recently in Popular Bank, where he has held as President of the bank.

Degree in Science and Economy- Wharton School, Philadelphia University, Pennsylvania USA.

Member of the Board of Directors of Grupo Popular, S.A. and Banco Popular Dominicano, S.A.- Banco Múltiple

President of Audit Committee of the Board of Directors of Grupo Popular, S.A. and Banco Popular Dominicano, S.A.- Banco Múltiple

Vice President of Corporate Governance Committee of the Board of Directors of Grupo Popular, S.A. and Banco Popular Dominicano, S.A. - Banco Múltiple

Member of Risk Management Committee of the Board of Directors of Grupo Popular, S.A. and Banco Popular Dominicano, S.A.- Banco Múltple

Vice President of the Technology and Innovation Committee of the Board of Directors of Grupo Popular, S.A.

Member of the Board of Directors of Infocentro Popular, S.A.

Vice President of the Corporate Governance Committee of Popular Bank, Ltd. Inc.

President of the Audit Committee of Popular Bank, Ltd. Inc.

Vice President of Risk Committee of Popular Bank, Ltd. Inc.

President of the Board of Directors of Fundacion Popular (FP), Inc.

Activities in another company or institution:

Member of Board of Directors of Cerveceria Vegana, S.R.L.

Member of Board of Directors of Aeropuerto Internacional del Cibao, S.A.

Member of Board of Directors of Corporación Zona Franca Industrial de Santiago, Inc.

Member of Board of Directors of Holiday Travel, S.A.

Member of Board of Directors of International Goods, S.R.L.

Member of Board of Directors of International Management, S.R.L.

Member of Board of Directors of Super Goods, S.R.L.

Member of Board of United Near Shore Operations (UNO)

Member of Board of Directors of Corporacion de Radio y Television Dominicana, S. R. L. (Color Vision)

Member of Board of Directors of Telemedios, S. A. (Canal 25)


Actually he performed as General Manager of Cervecería Vegana, S.A, company he has served since 1992. In 1983 he began his professional career performing in areas such as marketing having under his management the development and supervision of market strategies of the company. During eight years he was member of the Board of Directors of BPD Bank, USA.

New York University School of Law, L.L.M., International Legal Studies

Columbia University School of Law, L.L.M.

LL.B., Sigma Lambda, Honor Society – University of Panama

Member of the Corporate Governance Committee of Popular Bank, Ltd. Inc.

Member of Risk Management Committee of Popular Bank, Ltd. Inc.


Lawyer, partner manager of Bufete Illueca. He performed as professor of Public International Law in the Universidad Santa María La Antigua (USMA).

The doctor Enrique M. Illueca is a well know profesional in the business sector for all his contribution in the Panamanian Banking Law and by his activies in the commercial arbitration field. He has successfully manage the family business in the sector of agricultura, livestock and real state, in the áreas of Panama and Cocle.

He is author of books and technical studies above banking law, commercial arbitration, law of the sea and international public and private law issues.

Accounting Degree- University of Acción Pro Educación y Cultura (UNAPEC)

MBA in Senior Management- Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (INTEC)

MBA in Business and International Business- Webster University

MBA in Business Administration- Adolfo Ibañez Business School

Member of Corporate Govenance Committee of Popular Bank, Ltd. Inc.

Vice President of the Board of Directors of Avance Capital Dominicana, Ltd.

Vice President of the Board of Directors of Servicios Digitales Popular, S.A.

Member of the Technology and Innovation Committee of Grupo Popular, S.A.


Since 1985 he has worked in Banco Popular Dominicano, S.A.- Banco Múltiple and actually he performed as Senior Executive Vice President of Technology and Operations. He has performed in several áreas as Audit, Corporate Business, North Zone Business, Credit Card Business, Marketing, Loan Workout Credit among others.

Master Degree in Human Resources Administration- Instituto Tecnologico de Santo Domingo INTEC (Technological Institute of Santo Domingo), D.R.; Executive Program in Human Resources University of Michigan, E.E.U.U.

President of Corporate Governance Committee of Popular Bank, Ltd. Inc.

Member of Risk Management Committee of Popular Bank Ltd. Inc.

Member of Prevention of Money Laundering Committee of Popular Bank, Ltd. Inc.

Member of Credit Committee of Popular Bank, Ltd. Inc.

Member with voice, without vote of the Compensation and Nominations Committee of the Board of Director of Grupo Popular, S.A. and Banco Popular Dominicano, S.A.-Banco Múltiple

Member with voice, without vote of the Corporate Governance and Compliance of the Board of Directors of Grupo Popular, S.A. and Banco Popular Dominicano, S.A.-Banco Múltiple

Member of the Board of Directors of Avance Capital Dominicana, Ltd.

Member of the Board of Directors of Company Servicios Digitales Popular, S.A.


Experienced in banking area since more than 30 years, holding important management positions. She has acted as member of several associations in Dominican Republic, such as Asociacion de Bancos Comerciales - ABA (Commercial Banking Association), Asociación de Jovenes empresarios -ANJE (Young Entrepeneur Association), Member of the Board of Directors of Confederacion Patronal de la República Dominicana -COPARDOM (Patronal Confederation of Dominican Republic) and the Board of Directors of Asociacion Dominicana de Administradores de Recursos Humanos -ADOARH( Dominican Association of Human Resources Administrators).

Since she joined at Popular, she has held various and important positions in business areas, as well as in administrative units; actually performing the Senior Executive Vicepresidency of Human Management, Cultural Transformation, Credit Administration and Compliance.

Accounting Degree (Summa Cum Laude)- Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo

Post Graduate in Corporate Finance- Pontificia Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra

MBA in Business Administration - Université Du Québec a Montréal

Member of the Board of Directors of Infocentro Popular, S.A.

Member of the Risk Committee of Popular Bank, Ltd. Inc.

Member of Board of Directors of GCS International


Experienced with more than 28 years in financial sector. Her background includes banks, brokerage, pension funds administration, insurance companies and pensions plans. She worked as external auditor in a prestigious firm six years, and in Grupo Popular she has held various positions as Vice president of Financing in Banco Popular and Grupo Popular, Manager of Planification and Control Division, Manager of Accounting Division, among others. Actually, she performed as Executive Vice President of Finance and Accounting.

Independent Members

Master of Arts in International Development Banking – American University, Washington, D. C., USA

Post graduate degree in Programming and Financial Policies – International Monetary Fund, Washington, D. C., USA

President of the Prevention of Money Laundering Committee of Popular Bank, Ltd. Inc.

Member of the Risk Committee of Popular Bank, Ltd. Inc.

Member of the Audit Committee of Popular Bank Ltd. Inc.

An economist by profession, consultant and professor. Has worked in various areas related to Economics, Banking and Finance, both in private sector institutions as well as in government institutions in the Republic of Panama. Has worked in the Comisión Bancaria Nacional (the former name of the Panamanian banking regulator), with the Banco Nacional de Panamá (the principal Panamanian state bank) and Telered, S. A. (a private enterprise), and with the Panamanian Association of Business Executives (APEDE), among others.

Master of Arts in International Development Banking – American University, Washington, D. C., USA

Post graduate degree in Programming and Financial Policies – International Monetary Fund, Washington, D. C., USA

President of the Risk Committee of Popular Bank, Ltd. Inc.

Member of the Audit Committee of Popular Bank Ltd. Inc.

Member of the Board of Directors of Banco Popular Dominicano, S.A.-Banco Multiple and Grupo Popular, S.A.

Vice President of the Committee of Technology and Innovation of the Board of Directors of Grupo Popular, S.A.

President of Risk Committee of the Board of Directors of Grupo Popular and Banco Popular Dominicano, S.A.-Banco Múltiple

Member of the Committee of Investments of the Board of Directors of Grupo Popular, S.A.

Member of the Board of Directors of Administradora de Fondos de Pensiones Popular, S.A.

President of the Risk Committee of Administradora de Fondos de Pensiones Popular, S.A.

Activities in another company or institution:

Internal Auditor Certified by the EE.UU, Fraud examinator certified in Risk control and system information.

Partner of Global Atlantic Partners LLC and Global Atlantic Partners do Brasil Ltd.

Professor of the International Business School of the Brandeis University in Corporate Governance, Operational Risk, Cybersecutiy and Prevention of Fraud.

Judge of “New Venture Competition of the Business School of Harvard.

Judge of “Mass Challenge”, Boston, Massachusetts, EE.UU.

President of the Professional Issues Committee of the Instituto of Internal Auditors (IIA)


An economist by profession, consultant and professor. Has worked in various areas related to Economics, Banking and Finance, both in private sector institutions as well as in government institutions in the Republic of Panama. Has worked in the Comisión Bancaria Nacional (the former name of the Panamanian banking regulator), with the Banco Nacional de Panamá (the principal Panamanian state bank) and Telered, S. A. (a private enterprise), and with the Panamanian Association of Business Executives (APEDE), among others.